Véronique LAFONT
Originally from Dordogne, Véronique Lafont was born in 1969 and has lived and worked in Burgundy since 2008. She has a Master's Degree in Fine Arts and has exhibited her work since 1985.
Her painting is deliberately abstract. Reality is reshaped through her gaze, guided by a fascination with the effects of nature and the artistic and chromatic possibilities they provide for her palette.
The material effects she achieves recall Joan Mitchell or Monet's later works in their free spontaneity. Her canvases evoke quasi-interior landscapes, drawing us into an introspective, psychological journey through their gradual accumulation of blurred areas, reflections, pentimentos, impasto, fluidities, scratch-outs and soft brushstrokes, coexisting in perfect harmony.
Her practice seems very intuitive, and it intrigues us. Does she jot things down in a notebook, like Bonnard did? Does she make little rough sketches that speak of "the orange hues in the shadows?" What stays etched in her memory after gazing at the landscape spreading out before her? Perhaps some scraps of a powdery horizon, yellow and green mosses under her feet, little bits of greenery bathed in pink light, fields alive with swaying grasses under a trembling sun – or sudden, unexpected flashes of breath-taking beauty? We imagine her returning to her studio, inspired to immediately set about recreating her visual thoughts, with a sort of creative urgency.
Nature, in its unspoilt majesty, is her main source of inspiration. Since she lives in the countryside, she joyfully depicts the shifting changes of the seasons with her colourist sensibility, generously providing us with a wonderful space for contemplation.

2016 - 55 x 46 cm Techniques mixtes huile/acrylique/toile © Véronique Lafont

2017 - 55 x 46 cm Techniques mixtes huile/acrylique/toile © Véronique Lafont

2015 - 55x46 cm Techniques mixtes huile/acrylique/toile © Véronique Lafont

2016 - 150 x 125 cm Techniques mixtes huile/acrylique/toile © Véronique Lafont

2016-2017 - 65 x 50.2 cm Techniques mixtes/papier © Véronique Lafont

2013 -150 x 125 cm Techniques mixtes © Véronique Lafont

2016 - 65 x 50 cm Techniques mixtes/papier © Véronique Lafont

2013-2014 - 150 x 125 cm Techniques mixtes huile/acrylique/toile © Véronique Lafont

2014 - 130x97cm Techniques mixtes huile/acrylique/toile © Véronique Lafont

2016 - 45 x 35 cm Techniques mixtes/papier © Véronique Lafont
Elle a aussi réalisé un bestiaire de plus de 500 sculptures textiles, les Créatures Consolantes et les Figures Drolatiques, et 90 livres-sculptures à dominante textile, en collaboration avec des auteurs et plasticiennes.